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Hello there!

Welcome to our booking procedures page.  This is where you'll find all you need to answer any questions you (or your patient) may have about setting up an MRI here at Image One. 

The requisition

Your patient will need an MRI requisition form filled out, and signed by you before we can schedule their appointment.  We are able to accept requisitions from Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, and Nurse Practitioners.  You can fill it out and print directly from our website!


It's all in the details...

Please provide as much clinical history as possible, including any previous relevant imaging reports.  This will help our radiologist determine the best test for your patient's situation. 


Please answer all the questions on the form, including if the patient has any surgical implants (super important).



Once the requisition has been looked at by our doctor, we will reach out to the patient (usually within a day).  We screen each patient to ensure they will be safe in the scanner and schedule the appointment after that.  Our current booking timeline is about 7-10 days, depending on the type of scan. 



The written report will be faxed to your office within 2 business days of the appointment.  


The patient will have access to their results in the Image One Patient Portal.  A CD of images is available if needed.  


You will have immediate access to images (and report when it's ready) through the Image One Physicians Portal.  If you're already set up with this portal, click HERE to log in. 


If you'd like to be set up with an account, click below to send us a email request.  It's super fast and we do all the heavy lifting! Just be sure to include your first and last name, specialty, and billing number. 

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What Other Patients are Saying...

Great comforts, special treatment. Calm, professional atmosphere. Extra attention was given to me when I became anxious.  Their patience was appreciated.

We were treated with the upmost respect and courtesy at Image One.  

The caring that they showed us was more than we ever expected. 

The entire experience was very positive from start to finish.  Each staff member was professional and friendly.  I can't think of a way to improve the service at all

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